A few months ago my ate Anna hand me down her old iphone 4 for she received her new iPhone 5. Years ago, she gave me her Blackberry (i forgot which model) but sad to say i kinda broke it so i returned it back to her. Last year, i bought myself an iPod so i can use it as a mini computer to check my emails and to take pictures also. Since i have my new iPhone gave my iPod to my hubbyLents.
What i'm trying to say is that i simply got majority of my wish list this year and i am so thankful for it. I just hope i learn to take good care of these gifts. I also got a new black bag, a colorful bag(figliarina) from my mom, organizer a.k.a filofax, a new Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 and lots of clothes and knick knacks for baby Tala!