On the 16th, tal and I went to Jaen since it's the start of our vacation and that we do not need to report until the 5th of May.
I noticed that tala's very happy to be in Jaen. She enjoyed the company of her new playmates her third cousins and she appreciates the beauty of nature around her. She wakes up early in Jaen and eats well too! I love the routine here in the province especially the part where we get to sleep early. Such a provincial life. Anyways, sleep is a luxury for us.
On the 18th, we attended the Castro reunion in Rivera. The next day before we went back to QC, we went swimming at a nearby resort called the golden shower. Tala enjoyed the water so much she doesn't want to get out even if her lips turned violet.
I enjoyed my Jaen vacation simply because my Tala did :-)